This is one of the best Mexican short movies ever. You could probably imagine the Mexican idiosyncrasy, read some history books, but you will find a big difference and experience the feeling of the post-revolutionary age of Mexico with this film. Labor unions, the invasion of large scale and global foreign companies, the mother's love, the Mexican habits descriptions are part of this master piece. Adding the emotion of Jaime Sabine's narration voice in all the allegoric signs and metaphors. The problem is that is almost impossible to get a copy or to find it in Mexico, probably in Europe (I've heard it was restricted by the Mexican government in that period).


  1. 1神奇的飞跃周 1.0
  2. 2奔跑的笨蛋 4.0
  3. 3乱世豪杰 7.0
  4. 4好戏登场 5.0
  5. 5坐稳车,泰欣娜 1994 0.0
  6. 6今天不回家 3.0
  7. 7美人鱼2006 4.0
  8. 8Rap出一片天 1.0
  9. 9生活即此 4.0
  10. 10圣诞不快乐 7.0
  11. 11酒醒时分 7.0
  12. 12混然天成 2.0
  13. 13博很恐惧 10.0
  14. 14永结同心 7.0
  15. 15上帝在吗?我是玛格丽特 2.0
  16. 16青春硬起来 8.0
  17. 17麦德林 10.0
  18. 18蒂芙尼的礼物 7.0
  19. 19酷我随行 10.0
  20. 20路路畅通 8.0
  21. 21逃路双雄 5.0
  22. 22囧爸喜事 4.0
  23. 23重庆美女 6.0
  24. 24Huat啊! Huat啊! 发! 10.0
  25. 25金牌流浪狗 4.0
  26. 26踮起脚尖去爱你 2.0
  27. 27阿拉丁与神灯国语 7.0
  28. 28亲亲老爸 4.0
  29. 29超萌特攻 6.0
  30. 30末路狂花钱 3.0