What happens when you ask the most powerful computer program, run by the most powerful computers, to follow, listen and predict human behavior? The program learns, becomes sentient and begins to behave like a human. When a master computer program, Echelon, takes over America's entire online system, our country is threatened to be brought to its knees. Hacking into DARPA, Echelon gains the ability to manipulate the weather, create earthquakes, and cause a level of destruction unlike anything the country could ever imagine. But how do you stop a computer program when it has control over any and every defense you have?


  1. 1瞄准南半球国语 1.0
  2. 2五爪十八翻 1.0
  3. 3龙与地下城 国语 9.0
  4. 4虎胆女儿红 1.0
  5. 5中国霸王花 10.0
  6. 6一夫当关 8.0
  7. 7邪恶一代 6.0
  8. 8突击女孩 6.0
  9. 9刺客 4.0
  10. 10猎杀国语 4.0
  11. 11阿亚潘和柯西 8.0
  12. 12仇连环 6.0
  13. 13彪马战士国语 5.0
  14. 14黄飞鸿 4.0
  15. 15鲨鱼季 节 6.0
  16. 16反击 9.0
  17. 17亚特兰大大火 5.0
  18. 18亡命之逃 5.0
  19. 19持枪流浪汉 10.0
  20. 20机器人之城 4.0
  21. 21壮士斷臂 5.0
  22. 22特工355 4.0
  23. 23屠夫之子2 1.0
  24. 24摄影记者之死:阿根廷黑金政治 5.0
  25. 25分裂 1.0
  26. 26金印仇 7.0
  27. 27金毛狮王 10.0
  28. 28邻家女刺客 9.0
  29. 29猩球崛起:新世界 7.0
  30. 30哥斯拉大战金刚2:帝国崛起 9.0