The film tells the story of single mother “Kara” (Elizabeth Roberts) who moves from New York to the quiet countryside with her two children for a job opportunity she can’t afford to turn down. The family moves into their humble new guesthouse. Kara begins her work as a private nurse to “Walter,” (Bruce Davison) a man stricken with multiple sclerosis and an appraiser of rare antiquities with a secretive past.                                                                      Her teenage son, Jesse, (Arman Darbo) is unhappy about this most of all. Losing his friends and moving to the middle of nowhere hasn’t made his job of looking after his little sister, “Cambria,” (Chloe Perrin) any easier.                                                                      Doom precedes them. “Akiba,” (Treva Etienne) a shady international associate of Walter’s, brings with him a mysterious relic of ancient origin. “Kara” encounters run in with a local sheriff played by genre veteran actor Denise Crosby.                                                                      All too quickly they discover the relic contains more than just legends. Inside, waits a terrifying creature born of ancient darkness and pure instinct…a pre-historic cave Spider unlike the modern world has ever seen.


  1. 1新·胡闹将军 4.0
  2. 2黑白潜行国语 2.0
  3. 3姐姐妹妹 2.1
  4. 4小小的我 6.0
  5. 5肮脏天使 2.0
  6. 6与你再遇鲜花盛开之丘 10.0
  7. 7阴阳师0 10.0
  8. 8胜券在握 8.0
  9. 9好东西 2.0
  10. 10龙卷风末日 7.0
  11. 11绝地重生 9.0
  12. 12违命 10.0
  13. 13叫一声妈妈 4.0
  14. 14燃烧的槐多啊 3.0
  15. 15青葱岁月 7.3
  16. 16赤子心浪子情 0.0
  17. 17那个不为人知的故事 7.0
  18. 18志愿军:存亡之战 1.0
  19. 19爱作歹 9.0
  20. 20复活之战2024 8.0
  21. 21驯服坏男孩 3.0
  22. 22路过的青春 2.0
  23. 23老炮敢死队 6.0
  24. 24乔妍的心事 1.0
  25. 25传说 7.0
  26. 26春画先生 6.0
  27. 27杜巴利伯爵夫人 3.0
  28. 28我是山姆 4.0
  29. 29亲人之间 6.5
  30. 30性爱娃娃 2.0